Sunday, September 27, 2009

OLED Displays

By Jean Bowie

OLED televisions are possibly the next generation televisions heading our way. Recent times have seen the home cinema experience revolutionized firstly by plasma and LCD TVs. The hot technology of the moment is LED television. But what is next in the pipeline, well Sony's next generation display is the OLED television.

The OLED television is something that is definitely recommended for any household. Think of a television that is completely flexible, no more than a few ounces in weight, and about as thin as a piece of cardboard. This new device has been put under the most serious tests. It is even able to be run over by a car and still work the same. "It is basically indestructible" says Sony.

These OLED displays are simply to die for. They are packed with endless amounts of amazing features. The most amazing feature is that it uses up less electricity as LCD televisions and do not require in anyway a backlight in order to function. So what makes these crystal clear images show? There is overlaying thin film transistors that cross each other many times forming a grid. This grid forms what you see on the screen. These thin film transistors are one hundred percent completely organic, meaning that no harm to the environment is caused. This produces a much clearer picture at only millimetres of thinness.

Samsung and Sony are leading the way with the development and production of OLED displays and monitors. Sony is the leader in the pack. The technology is not only finding its way into our homes but also into our businesses. The abilities of this new development can be applied to produce stunning results providing displays for the workplace with a 1cm thick flexible display. Sony is developing all the time and has plans for displays of a thickness that is a fraction of this.

OLED televisions and displays are such an advancement that at this early stage seem set to blow away their competitors in the LCD, LED and plasma markets. But as would be expected Sony will first start to introduce the smaller versions of they displays to the market with the larger displays planned one the market is established. Because of the advances and improvement in picture quality even the smaller displays will be so impressive that they expect them to become the market leaders, with the prospect of the large displays coming at a later date.

OLED actually stands for organic light emitting diodes, basic technology behind the stunning picture quality that we are beginning to see. With the latest LED televisions and displays already producing super high quality pictures it is hard to believe that OLED displays are set to eclipse what we are seeing. But this new form of display is set to take over the home and workplace cementing itself in both the home entertainment and computing worlds, with stunning high quality displays and ease of use.

The question that many are asking is when are these OLED televisions going to be released? You can expect to see them this year manufactured by Sony and then later followed by Samsung. The OLED television is only going to be thirteen inches, but this is only the beginning for the world of advanced entertainment.

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