Friday, August 21, 2009

Courses for CompTIA A Plus - News

By Jason Kendall

CompTIA A + has a total of four exams and areas of study, but you're just expected to get your exams in 2 of them to be considered A+ competent. As this is the case, most training colleges simply offer two. But giving you all four options will give you a far greater perspective of the subject, which you'll find vital in industry.

As well as learning how to build PC's and fix them, trainees of A+ will be taught how to operate in antistatic conditions, how to fault find, to diagnose and to remotely access problems. If you aspire to looking after computer networks, add the excellent Network+ to your training package. This will mean you can assist you greatly in the job market. Alternatively, you may prefer the Microsoft networking qualifications (MCP, MCSA and MCSE).

Every program under consideration has to build towards a widely recognised accreditation at the finale - and not a worthless 'in-house' diploma - fit only for filing away and forgetting. From an employer's viewpoint, only the big-boys such as Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA or Cisco (for example) will get you short-listed. Anything less just doesn't cut the mustard.

Usually, trainers will provide mainly work-books and reference manuals. It's not a very interesting way to learn and isn't the best way to go about achieving retention. Research has constantly demonstrated that connecting physically with our study, is much more conducive to long-term memory.

Study programs now come in disc format, where your computer becomes the centre of your learning. Video streaming means you will be able to see the instructor presenting exactly how to do something, and then practice yourself - in an interactive lab. It makes sense to see examples of the courseware provided before you purchase a course. What you want are video tutorials, instructor demo's and audio-visual elements backed up by interactive lab's.

Avoiding training that is delivered purely online is generally a good idea. Ideally, you should opt for CD and DVD ROM courseware where offered, so you can use them wherever and whenever you want - it's not wise to be held hostage to your broadband being 'up' 100 percent of the time.

It's important to understand: the course itself or an accreditation isn't what this is about; a job that you want is. Far too many training organisations put too much weight in the piece of paper. Don't let yourself become one of those unfortunate students that choose a course which looks like it could be fun - and get to the final hurdle of an accreditation for a career they'll never really get any satisfaction from.

It's well worth a long chat to see the exact expectations industry will have. What certifications you'll be required to have and how you'll build your experience level. You should also spend a little time thinking about how far you reckon you're going to want to go as it may force you to choose a particular set of certifications. As a precursor to beginning a particular learning program, trainees are advised to talk through individual job needs with an experienced industry professional, to make sure the training course covers all the bases.

It's essential to have authorised exam simulation and preparation programs included in the package you choose. Ensure that your practice exams are not just posing the correct questions from the right areas, but also asking them in the way the real exams will ask them. This completely unsettles people if they're met with completely different formats and phraseologies. Be sure to have some simulated exam questions that will allow you to verify your knowledge at all times. Simulations of exams prepare you properly - then you're much more at ease with the real thing.

It's quite a normal occurrence for students not to check on a painfully important area - how their company actually breaks down and delivers the courseware elements, and into how many bits. Students often think it makes sense (with a typical time scale of 1-3 years to achieve full certification,) for your typical trainer to courier the courseware in stages, as you achieve each exam pass. However: With thought, many trainees understand that the company's typical path to completion isn't as suitable as another. Sometimes, it's more expedient to use an alternative order of study. And what happens if they don't finish in the allotted time?

For future safety and flexibility, most students now choose to request that all their modules (now paid for) are delivered immediately, and not in stages. That means it's down to you in which order and at what speed you want to finish things.

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