Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cool Full Sleeve Tattoo Ideas

By Damien Loreal

Over the years, full sleeve tattoos are gradually becoming more and more popular. As the name suggest, a full sleeve tattoo covers your arm like a sleeve, all the way from the top of your arm till the wrist. And besides the full sleeve tattoos, the half sleeve and quarter sleeve tattoos are very popular as well.

Not everyone is ready to get a full sleeve tattoo, considering how big the tattoo is and how visible it is. So if you are getting a full sleeve tattoo, you got to be comfortable with people checking out your tattoo and approaching you about it. And besides that, you should also be very sure about the particular full sleeve tattoo design that you are using and so that you won't have any regrets in the future.

As for the cost and how much time you have to commit to get a full sleeve tattoo done, it all depends on a few things. It all depends on how popular your tattoo artist is and how much detail or color is your tattoo design. And usually, a popular tattoo artist and a tattoo design that is rich in detail is definitely going to cost you more. Therefore, always communicate and find out more from you artist beforehand.

Here are some popular full sleeve tattoo designs:

- Full Sleeve Tribal Designs - Full sleeve tribal tattoos are usually made up of black, bold lines. These tattoo designs are protections for the native tribal warriors when they go to a war and also a blessing in many different tribal cultures.

- Japanese Tattoo Sleeve - Known for the bright colors and beautifully rich details, this is a popular choice amongst full sleeve tattoo lovers. It also emits an oriental feeling to the person wearing the tattoo sleeve.

- Flame Sleeve Tattoos " The flame tattoo design is very extravaganza and it is very popular amongst youngsters. People find these tattoo design to be cool because it makes your arm looks as if there is a flame burning from your fist.

- Celtic Sleeve Tattoos -The Celtic tattoo design is also a very popular design for a full sleeve tattoo. It is a symbol to glorify life and the creator of life in the Caledonia culture.

Although all these are great ideas for full sleeve tattoo designs, you should get a tattoo because you love it and not because it is popular or trendy. Good luck in your search of a full sleeve tattoo design!

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